
Android launchers are answerable for the look, feel, and usefulness of your home screen. They offer an assortment of customization choices, permitting you to customize your gadget however you would prefer. Of course, most Android phones accompany a launcher pre-introduced by the maker. Notwithstanding, you can without much of a stretch change the default launcher to any launcher.

Android launchers are the applications that control the look and feel of your home screen. They’re answerable for showing your applications, gadgets, and different alternate ways. Launchers likewise offer an assortment of customization choices, permitting you to customize your gadget however you would prefer.

Naturally, most Android phones accompany a launcher pre-introduced by the producer. Nonetheless, you can without much of a stretch change the default launcher to any launcher. This can be an extraordinary method for working on the look, feel, and usefulness of your gadget.

In this article, we’ll tell you the best way to change the default launcher on your Android phone. We’ll likewise examine a portion of the advantages of utilizing a custom launcher and prescribe a couple of well known launchers to attempt.


What is a Launcher on Android ?

A launcher is a product application that deals with your gadget’s home screen. It is liable for showing your applications, gadgets, and different alternate routes. Launchers likewise offer an assortment of customization choices, for example, the capacity to change the symbol pack, backdrop, and design of your home screen.

A launcher is a product application that deals with the home screen on an Android gadget. It is answerable for showing application symbols, gadgets, and different easy routes. Launchers likewise offer an assortment of customization choices, for example, the capacity to change the symbol pack, backdrop, and design of the home screen.

The default launcher on most Android gadgets is pre-introduced by the producer. Be that as it may, clients can without much of a stretch introduce and utilize outsider launchers. Outsider launchers frequently offer more customization choices than the default launcher, and a few clients lean toward the look and feel of outsider launchers.

A launcher is to your Android phone as a work area is to your PC — launchers give the foundation interface on your phone and assist you with coordinating all that you want fast and simple admittance to.


Why Change the Default Launcher on Android ?

There are a couple of justifications for why you should change the default launcher on your Android phone. The following are a couple:

  • More customization choices: Numerous launchers offer more customization choices than the default launcher. For instance, you might have the option to change the framework size, add custom symbols, and make various home screens.

Changing the default launcher can give you more command over the look and feel of your home screen. You can pick a launcher that offers an alternate design, symbol pack, or set of elements. This can assist you with making a home screen that is more practical and outwardly engaging.

  • Further developed execution: A few launchers are more lightweight and proficient than the default launcher, which can work on the exhibition of your gadget.

In the event that you are encountering slow execution on your Android phone, changing the default launcher might assist with further developing things. A few launchers are intended to be more lightweight and effective than the default launcher. This can let loose assets on your gadget and work on its general execution.

  • New highlights and usefulness: Numerous launchers offer new elements and usefulness that are not accessible on the default launcher. For instance, a launchers offer the capacity to bunch applications into organizers, stow away.


Step by step instructions to Pick a Launcher on Android

Picking a launcher for your Android phone can be an overwhelming undertaking, as there are such countless various choices accessible. Nonetheless, by taking into account the accompanying elements, you can limit your decisions and track down the ideal launcher for your necessities:

  • Customization choices: Launchers are about customization, so picking one that offers the highlights and choices you want is significant. A few launchers offer more customization choices than others, so looking at changed launchers prior to pursuing a choice is significant.
  • Execution: Launchers can affect the presentation of your gadget, so it’s critical to pick one that is lightweight and productive. A few launchers are known for being more lightweight and productive than others, so it merits looking at surveys prior.
  • Elements and usefulness: A few launchers offer extra highlights and usefulness that are not accessible on the default launcher. For instance, a launchers offer the capacity to bunch applications into envelopes, stow away applications, and make custom motions. In the event that you’re searching for a launcher with explicit highlights, make certain to check the application depiction prior to downloading.

Whenever you’ve considered these variables, you can begin perusing the Google Play Store for launchers. Understand surveys and contrast various launchers with track down the ideal one for your necessities.


The most effective method to Change the Default Launcher

To change the default launcher on your Android phone, follow these means:

  1. Download and introduce your preferred launcher from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the Settings application.
  3. Tap on Applications and notices.
  4. Tap on Cutting edge.
  5. Tap on Default applications.
  6. Tap on Home application.
  7. Select your preferred launcher from the rundown.

Whenever you have chosen another launcher, your home screen will be refreshed to mirror the new launcher’s settings. You can then begin redoing your home screen however you would prefer.


Investigating Tips

On the off chance that you are disliking your new launcher, the following are a couple investigating tips:

  • Restart your gadget. This can frequently fix minor programming errors.
  • Clear the reserve and capacity information for the launcher application. Go to Settings > Applications and warnings > Progressed > Default applications > Home application > Capacity and reserve > Clear reserve and Clear stockpiling.
  • Reinstall the launcher application.
  • Attempt an alternate launcher.



Changing the default launcher on your Android phone is a straightforward and successful method for customizing your gadget and work on its usefulness. By following the means illustrated in this article, you can undoubtedly pick and introduce a launcher of your decision.

On the off chance that you are disliking your new launcher, attempt the investigating tips gave. With just the right amount of trial and error, you can track down the ideal launcher to make your Android phone really your own.